Sunday, January 30, 2011

Mom's January Yo-Yo Card

Mom's January YoYo Penguin Card
This little penguin reminds me of the penguin in the movie "Happy Feet", just full of character. As often happens with me I was looking at the oval shaped yo-yo laying on my table and I saw a penguin form. My next step was to figure out how I was going to make everyone else see the penguin too. For the body I used my Clover Large Oval Quick Yo-Yo Maker and then I made two small white yo-yo's for his bib, and two extra small gold yo-yo's for his feet. His wings are cut from black felt and his nose from gold felt. He needed a little red bow to dress him up and two black eyes to bring him to life.  I think when I make my next yo-yo penguin I will again use the Clover Large Oval Quick Yo-Yo Maker for the body and then I want to try using the Clover Small Oval Yo-Yo Maker for his bib.  As I don't own the small oval yo-yo maker I'm going to need to go shopping! I can also just cut my fabric in an oval shape and sew around it to make the shape and I thought about it but I really like the consistency I get using Clover's Quick Yo-Yo Makers, it takes the guesswork out of if I am making too small or two large a stitch. But no matter which way you sew a yo-yo they are always fun to make and the creative possibilities are endless.


  1. Your card is adorable as always! I think you captured January perfectly. I think it's about time for you to make your quilt show shopping list isn't it?

  2. Mom was so excited with her card! She tried to tell me about it on the phone. You are such a talented person.. I wish I had your vision.. You do so many different things.. Great Job!!
    Karen Sue
