Sunday, January 23, 2011

Working on the Challenge

Tree Challenge Beginnings

Here I go starting something new without finishing what I already have started i.e. the binder cover. But I just wasn't up to the task of marking measurements this week to finish the binder cover and here was my tree challenge project tempting me to try "just a little" fused applique - then I got hooked and several hours later is the result of the photo you see.   Of course it is just the beginning as I want to embellish the piece with embroidery stitches and couching. I'm thinking of using the couching technique with yarn on the tree trunk.  I'm not sure yet of the best approach to make it look like the branches are under the leaves and I'm not at all sure how I'm going to highlight the leaves but I know once I pull out my threads and sit down to play it will just start to fall into place. Maybe with luck I'll be able to at least finish the piece by the due date.  I'd like to be able to turn it into either a binder or journal cover before the due date but that might be just a little too ambitious.

Tree on Fabric Transfer Sheet
The second photo is the picture I took of the tree from my yard which I  transferred onto a fabric sheet using my printer. My original thought had been to make my tree piece look exactly like the tree in my backyard but then as I was working I realized I didn't like the chain link fence and the one bush looked a little too out of place and then it "dawned" on me - I could use the aspects of the photo I like and remove the rest so that's what I did - I cut everything away from the tree that I didn't want and fused the rest. Now I can see why this can be so addicting - it is so much fun.


  1. Oh my goodness! Wow and double WoW! I'd best get busy.

  2. IT"S AWESOME!!! Karen Sue
