Sunday, March 6, 2011

Latest Binder Cover

Inspired by Old Sewing Notions
Each day I come into my craft room and try to create I look around, shake my head and tell myself there is just way too much stuff in the room.  While trying to thin out and pare down the amount of yarn, paints, beads, saved articles and you name it I ran across some old sewing supplies, I may have mentioned this in an earlier blog.  I saved the best of those old sewing notions but I didn't have the heart to throw out the ones that were "not so perfect" so my solution was to cover another binder using these items. Somehow I convinced myself that this project was helping to clean out my room - it's a weird justification but it allowed me to be creative while quieting the nagging little voice that was telling me I should be reorganizing and cleaning. Looking at this binder cover and my first binder cover I feel as if I have kind of got the knaack of it.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice! Love the hair and movement in the skirt. I can't wait to see it in person. And yes you are organizing by doing this. You are making a decorative binder for loose papers - projects, etc. Which is cleaning and organizing. So tell your little voice to be quiet and listen to the bigger creative voice.
