My Bird Spreckles |
For me as I work with each project it seems to take on its own personality - that's how it was with Spreckles. From the get- go Spreckles was just harder to work with than Puff. His legs gave me the most trouble and then what should have been easy (sewing on his eyes) became a major undertaking as they just didn't want to go on straight. Through each trial and error of getting Spreckles put together, we bonded. Although not quite as glamorous as Puff, he is still quite handsome. Working with the bird pattern designed by Terry Grant I'm finding the hardest and most challenging part for me is bending the wire for the legs and inserting them into the bird properly. In Terry's
interview with Pokey from Quilting Arts magazine, Terry said the most important part for her was getting the beak to stay stuffed and firm. I know I have lots more to learn when making birds so don't be surprised to see a whole flock show up one day! After all that is part of this year's Challenge with my friend Connie.
I love Spreckles so much I could write a song about him. Have you noticed that your birds are both boys? Will that be a trend?