Sunday, February 26, 2012

Yo-Yo Valentine's Day Card for Mom

Yo-Yo Valentine's Day Card
For my mom's February card I thought I would do something a little different. With my busy schedule I needed to make a card using a yo-yo but I also wanted it to be fast and quick.  Using the Clover Jumbo Yo-Yo Maker I created my yo-yo and then I used embroidery thread to make the petals by bringing my threaded needle down through the center of the yo-yo and then up over the yo-yo and back down through the center until I had five petals.  From my stash of  small yo-yo's I selected one for the center of the flower and added an iron on gemstone. Next, I created the heart and green flourish with my Cricut machine (it cuts so much better than I do). Chosing the background color is always the hardest part for me but what I do is start pulling out different papers and audition them until I find the one that makes the pieces stand out. Next, comes the glue dots or stick to keep everything in place and viola! I am done.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Mom's January Card

Although my original intent was to make a winter scene for the January card I'm really happy with the card I did make.  The design on the paper was created  using a distressed brown inkpad.  By lightly tapping it on the cardstock this cool design appeared.  Next I added just a couple of strips of dark brown card stock and then as the main accent I glued on a flower I had made using my tea dyed fabric from last year with the Kanzashi  flower maker. Then to accent the flower I added a mini yoyo.

Turning Hands

Sharing the love of turning
We were so caught up in showing our grandson how to turn a pen that we forgot to take a picture of the final product.  Although I can tell you it turned out really nice.  The snakewood piece that our grandson picked out came out beautiful and he was thrilled with it.