Sunday, February 20, 2011

"Romancing Spring" Butterfly Yo-Yo Card

With February being such a short month I knew I could not get a Valentine's Day Card made in time to send to my mom but I wanted to use my heart yo-yos. About the time I was working on the card we were having some very pretty "spring-like" days and I looked at my design and it looked like the butterfly was romancing spring and that is how the card got it's name. The butterfly was made using Clover's Large Heart Yo-Yo Maker for the wings and for the body I used Clover's Extra Small and Small Yo-Yo Makers. Did I mention I love my Cricut Expression machine? It is the best for cutting out letters and designs.

Romancing Spring-Mom's February Card
Of course I have never been good working at just one thing at a time so while working on my mom's February card I have also been paring down and weeding out some of the craft supplies I no longer use or use very seldom as I want to make room for a new table I purchased which has been riding around in my car, still in its box, for the last several weeks.  The other project (besides the Tree Challenge piece) I started was a collage binder. While going through my many boxes I came across some old seam binding packets produced by Penneys with the prices on the top.  One packet of 1/2" wide seam binding sold for 17 cents and another one that was extra wide sold for 27 cents. As I had several of these packets I decided I would decoupage them onto one of my empty binders and when completed it can hold some more of my magazine articles. My husband often refers to me as "Monica" for the Monica on the sitcom Friends who categoried and organized everything - as I have a strong tendency to do that too. My magazine articles are broken down by reference such as the best glues or threads to buy and project type such as home decor, clothing, or kids projects. Other items to be included in the collage are old zipper and snap packets. You may remember back in 2010 I had a play date with my friend Connie and covered a binder using a few of Julie Nutting's techniques. It was so much fun I decided to try it again.  If you haven't seen any of Julie's work I really encourage you to visit her site.


  1. Very romantic and lovely butterfly! I agree with Don - you are a Monica.

  2. Lovely butterfly! What a great idea to use heart yo-yos. I have so many binders filled with clippings, articles, etc. but I hadn't thought of decoupaging them. I may have to try that!
