Sunday, January 15, 2012

Mammoth Kauri Pens

The wood in these pens have a unique history. The history was written on a label that was placed on the wood. Here is what the label says . . . The Kauri forests originated in the northern island of New Zealand.  It has been scientifically proven that they were around before the Ice Age. According to one theory, they were knocked down by a giant Tsunami and buried in peat bogs where they were perfectly preserved from the elements that would otherwise have rotted them away. Through careful extraction, these logs are pulled out of the peat bogs using heavy equipment with minimal impact on the environment. Then they are sawn up and used in a variety of decorative application.

The piece we purchased and used for this pen is carbon dated to be 30,000 to 50,000 years old.  For more information about this wood visit

Don noticed as he started turning the pen that the mammoth Kauri wood is a soft wood and did not require as heavy a hand or as much pressure as some of the hard woods do.

For the pen on the left Don used the Wall Street II 24K gold pen kit and the pen on the right is made with the Wall Street II Elegant titanium and platinum pen kit.

I get to choose which pen I want for my collection and as they are both so beautiful to date I have still not made up my mind!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy New Year!

2011 Christmas Paw Print Ornaments
As we have recently added a pug rescue dog to our household one of our gifts for Christmas was this fun paw prints ornament kit.  The instructions were simple so we opened up the pack of impression material and rolled it out as stated in the directions.  Next, we got the dog's paw ready to put into the impression material. We were totally unprepared for his reaction as he doesn't mind walking in mud or water but when we put his paw down on the material he quickly pulled it back and tried to get away!  If he could have said "Ew!" he would have.  It took us five tries to get a decent impression - which was the extent of his patience for this project. 

We still had some impression material left over so we thought we had better include the cat as she has been feeling a bit put out by this new dog we brought into her house.  After our incident with Buck we were not sure how she was going to react.  To my surprise she really didn't mind it (although I decided we should go with her first paw impression) so although it is not a purr-fect imprint it does belong to Boots and that's all that really matters, well that and the wonderful memories we will have of making their paw print ornaments.

After an exhausting craft activity both Buck and Boots thought they needed a rest.  Of course separately as they have not gotten to be friends yet.  We are still working on it though.
Keeping her eye open for "that dog"

All tuckered out - crafting is hard work!